CityView Family Dentistry
Patrick C. Hann, DDS
Better Dentistry Through Technology

All-on-4 Denture

What is the All-on-4® treatment concept?

The All-on-4® treatment concept is a cost-efficient, graftless solution that provides patients with a denture (fixed full-arch prosthesis) on the day of surgery. 

Characteristics include:

  • Full-arch rehabilitation with only four implants
    Two straight anterior implants and two implants tilted up to 45º in the posterior

  • Immediate Function (fixed provisional bridge)
    For patients meeting criteria for immediate loading of implants

Why 98% of patients would recommend the All-on-4®

  • Rapid improvement in quality of life
    A fixed full-arch prosthesis on the day of surgery quickly leads to improved patient satisfaction – with regards to function, esthetics, sense, speech and self-esteem.

  • Shorter treatment times
    Tilting of the posterior implants avoids the need for time-consuming bone grafting procedures, while immediate loading  shortens time-to-teeth.